45 Money Similes

Money makes the world go round, and when it comes to describing wealth or financial situations, similes can be both fun and expressive. “45 money similes” offer creative ways to communicate the value, abundance, or challenges tied to money.

Similes help bring meaning to abstract ideas, making them more relatable. Let’s dive into these money similes to better express the complexities of finances and wealth.

Money Similes

Table of Contents

1. As rich as Croesus

  • Meaning: Refers to someone who is extremely wealthy, drawing from the historical figure Croesus, who was known for his great wealth.
  • In a Sentence: John always buys the best of everything; he’s as rich as Croesus.
  • Other Ways to Say: As wealthy as a king, as rich as a millionaire, rolling in money.

2. As tight as a drum

  • Meaning: Used to describe someone who is very careful or stingy with their money.
  • In a Sentence: My uncle is as tight as a drum when it comes to spending—he never buys anything unless it’s on sale.
  • Other Ways to Say: As frugal as a miser, as cheap as a bargain hunter.

3. As easy as taking candy from a baby

  • Meaning: Something that is effortlessly acquired, often implying money was gained without much work.
  • In a Sentence: Winning that bet was as easy as taking candy from a baby.
  • Other Ways to Say: Like shooting fish in a barrel, like a walk in the park.

4. As cold as cash

  • Meaning: Refers to money in its most tangible form, emphasizing the hard, unfeeling nature of cold, hard cash.
  • In a Sentence: He handed over the payment, his face as cold as cash.
  • Other Ways to Say: As hard as a dollar, as emotionless as coins.

5. As quick as a payday loan

  • Meaning: Refers to something that is quick, often with the implication of being immediate and perhaps risky.
  • In a Sentence: That investment paid off as quick as a payday loan.
  • Other Ways to Say: As fast as a flash, as speedy as a lightning strike.
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6. As plentiful as pennies from heaven

  • Meaning: Used to describe something that is abundant or seemingly provided effortlessly.
  • In a Sentence: Ever since her promotion, her bonuses have been as plentiful as pennies from heaven.
  • Other Ways to Say: As abundant as stars in the sky, as common as dirt.

7. As slippery as a wet banknote

  • Meaning: Describes money that is difficult to keep hold of, either physically or metaphorically.
  • In a Sentence: He kept spending it so fast, it was as slippery as a wet banknote.
  • Other Ways to Say: Like sand through fingers, like water down the drain.

8. As valuable as gold

  • Meaning: Describes something that is extremely precious or important, like money itself.
  • In a Sentence: Her advice was as valuable as gold when I was starting my business.
  • Other Ways to Say: Worth its weight in gold, priceless.

9. As easy as pie

  • Meaning: Something that is easy to acquire, especially when it comes to making money or securing wealth.
  • In a Sentence: Selling that old furniture was as easy as pie; I sold it all in a weekend.
  • Other Ways to Say: As simple as ABC, a piece of cake.

10. As low as a bank balance

  • Meaning: Used to describe something that is at its lowest, often referring to financial struggles or lack of funds.
  • In a Sentence: After the holiday season, my bank balance was as low as a bank balance can get.
  • Other Ways to Say: As empty as a wallet, as dry as a desert.

11. As rich as a lottery winner

  • Meaning: Refers to sudden and unexpected wealth, often through an unexpected stroke of luck.
  • In a Sentence: He felt as rich as a lottery winner when he landed the huge contract.
  • Other Ways to Say: As wealthy as a jackpot winner, as lucky as a millionaire.

12. As valuable as a treasure chest

  • Meaning: Refers to something that is highly regarded or cherished, often used for items or opportunities that bring great wealth.
  • In a Sentence: The stock market was as valuable as a treasure chest during the boom.
  • Other Ways to Say: As precious as diamonds, as rare as gold.

13. As overflowing as a cash register

  • Meaning: Refers to something abundant or overflowing with money.
  • In a Sentence: His pockets were as overflowing as a cash register after the big sale.
  • Other Ways to Say: As full as a vault, as bountiful as a harvest.

14. As fickle as the stock market

  • Meaning: Describes something that is unpredictable and changes rapidly, just like the fluctuating nature of the stock market.
  • In a Sentence: His wealth was as fickle as the stock market, changing by the hour.
  • Other Ways to Say: As unpredictable as the weather, as volatile as a rollercoaster.

15. As dry as a desert

  • Meaning: Refers to a lack of money, often implying a serious shortage of funds.
  • In a Sentence: After the business downturn, his bank account was as dry as a desert.
  • Other Ways to Say: As empty as a wallet, as barren as a wasteland.

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16. As deep as an ocean of gold

  • Meaning: Refers to immense wealth, as vast as the depths of the ocean.
  • In a Sentence: Her fortune was as deep as an ocean of gold, never seeming to end.
  • Other Ways to Say: As vast as an empire, as endless as the sky.

17. As green as a newly printed bill

  • Meaning: Describes something fresh and new, often relating to money or financial opportunities.
  • In a Sentence: His startup company looked as green as a newly printed bill, filled with potential.
  • Other Ways to Say: As fresh as mint, as bright as a newly painted fence.

18. As quick as a cash machine

  • Meaning: Refers to something that is easily or quickly accessible, just like withdrawing money from an ATM.
  • In a Sentence: The funds were transferred as quick as a cash machine, making the deal go smoothly.
  • Other Ways to Say: As swift as a click, as fast as lightning.

19. As valuable as the crown jewels

  • Meaning: Something of great importance or value, often seen as irreplaceable.
  • In a Sentence: His advice was as valuable as the crown jewels during my investment journey.
  • Other Ways to Say: Worth a king’s ransom, more precious than gold.

20. As cold as cash in a bank vault

  • Meaning: Describes something secure and untouchable, like money stored safely.
  • In a Sentence: His wealth was as cold as cash in a bank vault, never spent or touched.
  • Other Ways to Say: As locked away as a treasure, as hidden as a secret.

21. As elusive as a million-dollar idea

  • Meaning: Refers to something that is difficult to obtain or hard to come by, like a great business idea.
  • In a Sentence: The perfect investment was as elusive as a million-dollar idea, but worth the wait.
  • Other Ways to Say: As rare as a unicorn, as hard to find as a diamond.
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22. As shiny as a gold coin

  • Meaning: Refers to something that is desirable and appealing, like money.
  • In a Sentence: Her new car was as shiny as a gold coin, gleaming in the sunlight.
  • Other Ways to Say: As glittering as diamonds, as radiant as the sun.

23. As expensive as champagne

  • Meaning: Describes something that is costly or luxurious.
  • In a Sentence: That designer handbag was as expensive as champagne, but she bought it without hesitation.
  • Other Ways to Say: As costly as a mansion, as lavish as silk.

24. As fast as a gold rush

  • Meaning: Refers to something happening very quickly, especially when people rush to take advantage of a money-making opportunity.
  • In a Sentence: The competition for the job was as fast as a gold rush, with candidates rushing in from everywhere.
  • Other Ways to Say: As rapid as a wildfire, as swift as a stampede.

25. As light as a pocketful of coins

  • Meaning: Something that is small or not particularly valuable, often used when money is scarce.
  • In a Sentence: Her savings were as light as a pocketful of coins, hardly enough for the rent.
  • Other Ways to Say: As thin as a thread, as small as a pebble.

26. As rare as a two-dollar bill

  • Meaning: Something that is highly unusual or hard to find, like the rare two-dollar bill.
  • In a Sentence: Opportunities like that are as rare as a two-dollar bill in today’s economy.
  • Other Ways to Say: As rare as hen’s teeth, as unique as a diamond.

27. As high as the stock market peaks

  • Meaning: Refers to something that reaches an all-time high, like a financial peak.
  • In a Sentence: His excitement was as high as the stock market peaks when he got the news.
  • Other Ways to Say: As elevated as Mount Everest, as tall as the sky.

28. As hard to catch as loose change

  • Meaning: Refers to something that is difficult to pin down or attain, much like small coins that escape your grasp.
  • In a Sentence: The last payment was as hard to catch as loose change slipping out of my pocket.
  • Other Ways to Say: As slippery as a fish, as fleeting as the wind.

29. As greedy as a bank robber

  • Meaning: Describes someone who is excessively or ruthlessly money-driven.
  • In a Sentence: He was as greedy as a bank robber, always looking for ways to earn more.
  • Other Ways to Say: As hungry for cash as a miser, as thirsty for wealth as a king.

30. As easy as cashing a check

  • Meaning: Refers to something that is easy and straightforward, just like cashing a check.
  • In a Sentence: The whole deal was as easy as cashing a check—it all went through smoothly.
  • Other Ways to Say: As simple as a breeze, as effortless as a handshake.

31. As loud as a cash register ringing

  • Meaning: Describes something that is very noticeable or attention-grabbing, like the sound of a cash register during a busy sale.
  • In a Sentence: His announcement was as loud as a cash register ringing, attracting everyone’s attention.
  • Other Ways to Say: As noisy as a bell, as blaring as a horn.

32. As smooth as a well-oiled wallet

  • Meaning: Refers to something easy or seamless, like managing finances with no issues.
  • In a Sentence: The transaction went through as smooth as a well-oiled wallet, with no hiccups.
  • Other Ways to Say: As effortless as silk, as simple as a breeze.

33. As lucky as a rich uncle

  • Meaning: Refers to someone who inherits or receives money effortlessly, often from a wealthy relative.
  • In a Sentence: She felt as lucky as a rich uncle when she received that inheritance.
  • Other Ways to Say: As fortunate as a millionaire, as blessed as a lottery winner.

34. As fast as a credit card swipe

  • Meaning: Describes something happening in an instant, like a quick credit card transaction.
  • In a Sentence: He made the purchase as fast as a credit card swipe, not giving it a second thought.
  • Other Ways to Say: As quick as a blink, as fast as lightning.

35. As green as the grass after a raise

  • Meaning: Refers to someone feeling refreshed or full of potential after receiving a financial boost, like a pay raise.
  • In a Sentence: She was as green as the grass after a raise, full of new ideas and excitement.
  • Other Ways to Say: As energized as a battery, as lively as spring.

36. As empty as a pocket with holes

  • Meaning: Describes a situation where there is little to no money left, often used to express financial hardship.
  • In a Sentence: After paying the bills, his wallet was as empty as a pocket with holes.
  • Other Ways to Say: As barren as a desert, as dry as a bone.
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37. As steady as a stock dividend

  • Meaning: Refers to something that is consistent and reliable, much like receiving regular dividends from stocks.
  • In a Sentence: Her income was as steady as a stock dividend, coming in every month without fail.
  • Other Ways to Say: As constant as the tide, as reliable as the sunrise.

38. As big as a trust fund

  • Meaning: Describes something substantial, like a large sum of money or wealth.
  • In a Sentence: His ambitions were as big as a trust fund, reaching far beyond what others could imagine.
  • Other Ways to Say: As vast as a fortune, as grand as an inheritance.

39. As lucky as a winning ticket

  • Meaning: Refers to someone who experiences good fortune or an unexpected financial gain, much like winning a lottery ticket.
  • In a Sentence: After getting that bonus, he felt as lucky as a winning ticket.
  • Other Ways to Say: As fortunate as a jackpot winner, as blessed as a lucky charm.

40. As quick as a tax refund

  • Meaning: Refers to something that happens quickly, like receiving a tax refund.
  • In a Sentence: His response to the job offer was as quick as a tax refund, eager to accept.
  • Other Ways to Say: As fast as a race car, as speedy as a jet.

41. As high as a payday loan interest rate

  • Meaning: Refers to something that is excessively high, often with negative connotations like fees or interest rates.
  • In a Sentence: The prices in that store were as high as a payday loan interest rate—almost outrageous.
  • Other Ways to Say: As steep as a mountain, as inflated as luxury prices.

42. As extravagant as a gold-plated credit card

  • Meaning: Describes something luxurious or over-the-top, like a high-end, exclusive credit card.
  • In a Sentence: Their wedding was as extravagant as a gold-plated credit card, with all the finest details.
  • Other Ways to Say: As lavish as a diamond ring, as opulent as a palace.

43. As slippery as a bar of soap

  • Meaning: Refers to something elusive or difficult to hold onto, like money slipping away quickly.
  • In a Sentence: My savings were as slippery as a bar of soap, always seeming to slip through my fingers.
  • Other Ways to Say: As elusive as air, as fleeting as time.

44. As flashy as a diamond-studded wallet

  • Meaning: Describes something attention-grabbing or ostentatiously luxurious.
  • In a Sentence: His new car was as flashy as a diamond-studded wallet, turning heads wherever he went.
  • Other Ways to Say: As gaudy as gold, as eye-catching as neon lights.

45. As fragile as an empty bank account

  • Other Ways to Say: As weak as a house of cards, as unstable as a tightrope.
  • Meaning: Refers to something that is very delicate or at risk, like running out of funds.
  • In a Sentence: His finances were as fragile as an empty bank account, on the verge of collapse.

MCQ Quiz: Money Similes

1. Which simile describes something that grabs attention?

  • a) As empty as a pocket with holes
  • b) As loud as a cash register ringing
  • c) As smooth as a well-oiled wallet
  • d) As quick as a tax refund

Answer: b) As loud as a cash register ringing

2. What does the simile “as smooth as a well-oiled wallet” convey?

  • a) Something effortless and seamless
  • b) Something very valuable
  • c) Something that is hard to manage
  • d) Something that is easily lost

Answer: a) Something effortless and seamless

3. Which simile refers to a person receiving money effortlessly?

  • a) As green as the grass after a raise
  • b) As lucky as a rich uncle
  • c) As fast as a credit card swipe
  • d) As extravagant as a gold-plated credit card

Answer: b) As lucky as a rich uncle

4. Which simile describes something happening instantly?

  • a) As fast as a credit card swipe
  • b) As lucky as a winning ticket
  • c) As steady as a stock dividend
  • d) As slippery as a bar of soap

Answer: a) As fast as a credit card swipe

5. What does “as green as the grass after a raise” symbolize?

  • a) Feeling refreshed and full of potential
  • b) Feeling lost and uncertain
  • c) Feeling stressed and tired
  • d) Feeling overly cautious

Answer: a) Feeling refreshed and full of potential

6. What simile refers to someone who has no money left?

  • a) As steady as a stock dividend
  • b) As lucky as a rich uncle
  • c) As empty as a pocket with holes
  • d) As big as a trust fund

Answer: c) As empty as a pocket with holes

7. Which simile represents something consistent and reliable?

  • a) As fast as a credit card swipe
  • b) As steady as a stock dividend
  • c) As extravagant as a gold-plated credit card
  • d) As flashy as a diamond-studded wallet

Answer: b) As steady as a stock dividend

8. Which simile implies something substantial and large?

  • a) As big as a trust fund
  • b) As lucky as a winning ticket
  • c) As quick as a tax refund
  • d) As slippery as a bar of soap

Answer: a) As big as a trust fund

9. What simile describes a person feeling fortunate after an unexpected financial gain?

  • a) As lucky as a winning ticket
  • b) As extravagant as a gold-plated credit card
  • c) As fragile as an empty bank account
  • d) As fast as a credit card swipe

Answer: a) As lucky as a winning ticket

10. Which simile describes something that happens quickly, like receiving a tax refund?

  • a) As lucky as a rich uncle
  • b) As quick as a tax refund
  • c) As extravagant as a gold-plated credit card
  • d) As slippery as a bar of soap

Answer: b) As quick as a tax refund

11. Which simile describes something excessively high, like a payday loan interest rate?

  • a) As high as a payday loan interest rate
  • b) As green as the grass after a raise
  • c) As steady as a stock dividend
  • d) As fragile as an empty bank account

Answer: a) As high as a payday loan interest rate

12. What does “as extravagant as a gold-plated credit card” represent?

  • a) Something attention-grabbing and luxurious
  • b) Something simple and reliable
  • c) Something fleeting and temporary
  • d) Something inexpensive and plain

Answer: a) Something attention-grabbing and luxurious

13. What simile refers to something that is difficult to keep or hold onto?

  • a) As slippery as a bar of soap
  • b) As quick as a tax refund
  • c) As loud as a cash register ringing
  • d) As smooth as a well-oiled wallet

Answer: a) As slippery as a bar of soap

14. Which simile describes something ostentatiously luxurious?

  • a) As flashy as a diamond-studded wallet
  • b) As steady as a stock dividend
  • c) As lucky as a rich uncle
  • d) As empty as a pocket with holes

Answer: a) As flashy as a diamond-studded wallet

15. What simile refers to something delicate or at risk, like running out of funds?

  • a) As fragile as an empty bank account
  • b) As steady as a stock dividend
  • c) As big as a trust fund
  • d) As lucky as a winning ticket

Answer: a) As fragile as an empty bank account

Wrap Up

Money similes help describe various financial concepts. They add color and depth to our language. From luck to struggles, similes bring ideas to life. They help us better understand money’s power and impact.

Using similes like these can make financial discussions fun. They give clarity to abstract ideas. The 45 money similes shared help convey meaning. They’re a creative way to talk about money matters.

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